sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Life Goals

Guillermo Quintero Romo

The challenge of youth to be traned for life

Joaquin Mendoza

Out team conference talk about the people we are and the people we want to be. We have to follow our dreams, don’t listen to the bad people and trust in ourselves. We have to be the person we want and not the person the other people want. Honestly, our food was veeeery delicious.

Work Accident

Barbara Moreno

The team #4 talk about the accidents in the work, that we have to be very careful and always carry the protection, and prevent all risk things. We always have to have a common sense, don´t expose us in trouble situations. The food was very delicious.

Be yourself.

Carlos Miguel Delgado

The third team talk about also self-esteem, we have to leave listen to the people who tell us “you can’t” “you are stupid” “you are blablabla”, the people who want to watch us down, and follow our dreams, love ourselves short, tall, thin or fat, or whatever, we are beautiful

My purpose in my life

Javier Chavarrin

This team conference talk about our dreams we have to follow out dreams. Learn to not listen to the other peopple that want to put us down
They conferencist show us a video, very beautiful, in the video two frogs fell down in a hole in a raing day; the others frogs start to scream to the two frogs that they don't want to jump; on frog sart to jump; the other frogs scream a the jumping frog things like ''you can't do it'' the other frogs still jumping and it can do it the other frogs figure out that the other frogs were supporting him therefore the frog still jumping the other frogs start screaming at the other frog ''you can do it''

Self motivation

Maria Guadalupe Moreno

The second team conference talk about self-esteem, we have to trust in ourselves, have a high self-esteem, because, if we don´t respect ourselves, who will did it? We are exclusive, unique; we have to love us the way we are. The conference was very short, but very beautiful.

martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

Public Image


video shows you as the desicion of promoting your product is indispensable, you must know with whom yourself to improve and shows crearly the difference of a bad company and the good one.



This video show a stessed person, always in the work and that kinds of things, after that, the person takes her time to relax like a spa in her house. This company sell this spa equipement for relax in your house, like a spa.

Pro English School


This video show two persons that can't communicate, because one persona speak english; and the other one speak spanish. This company recommend, it you are the person that only speaks spanish, call them and learn englis, fast and confident!

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Bazzinga Editorial


Excellent commercial very good idea and good presentation on behalf of all. His mission is the best company of publishing houses and to be able to expand