sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015

Cultural Fair ENGLAND

Well, the Cultural Fair was a greatful, stressing and happy experience.
Beside the time for organization and the organization, our team and the point of view of each one, the Cultural Fair was amazing. The judges were happy with our work, and the other people too. 
The wardrobe of our team was so cool, and that's why the people take a lot of pictures. 
The food was just amazing! ALL the people tell us that they were enchanted with our food, and of course, our team was too.
We hope that this event will be best year to year.



viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

Cultural Fair PROCESS

Now, he's working on a telephone cabin, those that are red and are all over England.
It's really funny.
Victoria's queen dress

Cultural Fair

We are so close to the Cultural Fair, and we are fixing our costumbre and details like the flag and this like that. We hope thath the cultural fair will be awesome, and we hope win the 1st place this yer!
Hope you like it guys, see you later!! <3